Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Royal Flush Havanese Reviews Complaints About Allergies to Hypoallergenic Dogs

Royal Flush Havanese Complaints About Allergies to Hypoallergenic Dogs reviews why you are sneezing, choking and can't breath around your new hypoallergenic puppy!

Most people believe that a hypoallergenice dog will not produce an allergic reaction and so the breed is acceptable to those suffering from dog allergies and asthma. NOT SO! You are allergic to the proteins in the saliva and dander. Dogs with hair that are non-shedding like the Havanese have little dander and cause far less of an allergic reaction than dogs with fur who shed. However, because there is protein in the saliva that you still might be allergic to, when your dog slathers you with affection delivered by his tongue, you may still have an allergic reaction!

Size does matter! Smaller nonshedding dogs have less surface area and produce less allergens.They also bring less outside allergens like pollen, grass and mold into the house.Remember that if you have allergies to pollen, grass, mold, trees, etc. your perfect little hypoallergenic dog that you can tolerate with no allergic reaction can bring all of these allergens in the house and on you!

What is your hypoallergenic dog eating? Are you allergic to fish oil? Kelp? Wheat? What is in the shampoo? Almonds? Please be aware of everything you are allergic to and make sure your hypoallergenic havanese puppy is not exposed to the things that cause you a terrible reaction!

Royal Flush Havanese has good news though. There are things you can do to keep allergens to a minimum and enjoy your Havanese puppy. Restricting your dog to certain rooms and clean those rooms often. Bathe your havanese puppy twice a week with a gentle hypoallergenic shampooo made for dogs. Clean the air filters in your home more frequently. Talk to your allergist about the possibility of allergy shots to lessen your reaction to the allergens. Finally, be sure your puppy's diet is free of ingredients that cause you to have an allergic reaction. A few less kisses from your happy Havanese puppy means a few less hives!

Royal Flush Havanese Complaints About Allergies to Hypoallergenic Dogs is written to help you make an informed choice as you select a havanese puppy to be your next family companion. In my experience, when new puppy owners have had an allergic reaction, which has happened less that 1% of the time, we have been able to narrow it down to a specific allergen and modify the situation so that every family is able to enjoy their new puppy!

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